The Schwarzenegger - User Guide

By: Team F11-1 Since: Sept 2020 License: MIT

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Quick Start
  3. Features
    3.1. Main Menu
        3.1.1. Viewing Help: help
        3.1.2. Entering Profile Menu: profile
        3.1.3. Entering Diet Menu: diet
        3.1.4. Entering Workout Menu: workout
        3.1.5. Ending the Schwarzenegger: end
    3.2. Profile Menu
        3.2.1. Viewing Help: help
        3.2.2. Adding a Profile: add
        3.2.3. Viewing a Profile: view
        3.2.4. Editing a Profile: edit
        3.2.5. Deleting a Profile: delete
        3.2.6. Returning to Main Menu: end
    3.3. Diet Menu
        3.3.1. Viewing Help: help
        3.3.2. Starting a New Diet Session: new
   Viewing Help in Diet Session: help
   Adding Food Items to the Current Diet Session: add
   Listing Food Items from the Current Diet Session: list
   Deleting Food Items from the Current Diet Session: delete
   Clearing All Food Items from the Current Diet Session: clear
   Searching for Food Items from the Current Diet Session: search
   Ending the Current Diet Session: end
        3.3.3. Listing All Past Diet Sessions: list
        3.3.4. Editing a Past Diet Session: edit
        3.3.5. Deleting a Past Diet Session: delete
        3.3.6. Clearing All Past Diet Sessions: clear
        3.3.7. Searching for Past Diet Sessions: search
        3.3.8. Returning to Main Menu: end
    3.4. Workout Menu
        3.4.1. Viewing Help: help
        3.4.2. Starting a New Workout Session: new
   Viewing Help in Workout Session: help
   Adding a Move to the Current Workout Session: add
   Listing All Moves from the Current Workout Session: list
   Deleting a Move From the Current Workout Session: delete
   Searching for a Keyword in the Current Workout Session: search
   Ending the Current Workout Session: end
        3.4.3. Listing All Past Workout Sessions: list
        3.4.4. Editing a Workout Session: edit
        3.4.5. Deleting a Workout Session: delete
        3.4.6. Searching a List of Workout Sessions: search
        3.4.7. Clearing All Workout Sessions: clear
        3.4.8. Returning to Main Menu: end
  4. Command Summary
  5. Notes
  6. FAQ

1. Introduction

The Schwarzenegger is a desktop command line interface-based app for managing all your needs regarding fitness. With the built-in personal assistant, you are able to track your daily workout and diet sessions based on your profile. If you can type fast, The Schwarzenegger can help you maximise your efficiency for maintaining fitness.

2. Quick Start [Khoa]

When you first start using The Schwarzenegger, please ensure that you follow the instructions below:

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer.
  2. Download the latest CS2113T-F11-1.TheSchwarzenegger.jar from here.
  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for The Schwarzenegger.
  4. Open Command Prompt (on Windows) or Terminal (on MacOS/ Linux) and change to the directory of the folder of the application in step 3.
  5. Key in java -jar [CS2113T-F11-1][TheSchwarzenegger].jar and press Enter. If the setup is correct, you should see something like below:

            _____        _                                                                           
           / ____|      | |                                                                          
          | (___    ___ | |__ __      __ __ _  _ __  ____ ___  _ __    ___   __ _   __ _   ___  _ __ 
           \___ \  / __|| '_ \\ \ /\ / // _` || '__||_  // _ \| '_ \  / _ \ / _` | / _` | / _ \| '__|
           ____) || (__ | | | |\ V  V /| (_| || |    / /|  __/| | | ||  __/| (_| || (_| ||  __/| |   
          |_____/  \___||_| |_| \_/\_/  \__,_||_|   /___|\___||_| |_| \___| \__, | \__, | \___||_|   
                                                                             __/ |  __/ |            
                                                                            |___/  |___/             
         Welcome new user to Schwarzenegger! :D
         Please add your profile under Profile Menu.
         For more information on command syntax, please type "help".
  6. To use The Schwarzenegger, simply type a valid command into the terminal and press Enter to run the command.
    Example: Typing help command in Main Menu and pressing Enter will show you a list of available commands in Main Menu of The Schwarzenegger and their descriptions.
  7. Some example commands you can try:
    • help : Shows all the available commands under Main Menu.
    • profile : Directs you to Profile Menu where you can add and manage your profile.
    • diet : Directs you to Diet Menu where you can add and manage your diet records.
    • workout : Directs you to Workout Menu where you can add and manage your workout records.
  8. The text before the cursor indicates which menu you are currently in (e.g. Main menu >>>>> indicates that you are currently in the Main Menu).
  9. A summary of all the supported commands in The Schwarzenegger can be found in Section 4. Command Summary.
    You can refer to Section 3. Features for the detailed instructions of the various features in The Schwarzenegger.

3. Features

This section includes 4 sub-sections which will guide you through the features available in Main Menu, Profile Menu, Workout Menu and Diet Menu of the Schwarzenegger. In explaining the syntax, we will adhere to the following format:

Command Format [Khoa]

Notations Used [Khoa]

Below are the meaning of icons for you to take note of while using a feature.

3.1. Main Menu [Khoa]

You can get access to Profile Menu, Diet Menu and Workout Menu from Main Menu. The available commands in Main Menu are listed below:

3.1.1. Viewing Help: help

You can see a complete list of available commands under Main Menu and how to use them.

Format: help

Example: Whenever you want to see get assistance in the Main Menu, you follow the steps below:

  1. Type help into your console and press Enter to execute it.


  2. You should be able to see a list of available commands like the screenshot below:


3.1.2. Entering Profile Menu: profile

The program will direct you to the Profile Menu.

Format: profile


  1. Type profile into your console and press Enter to execute it.
  2. If the redirection is successful, you should be able to see the message below:

         Starting Profile Menu......

:bulb: You can verify that you are in Profile Menu if the text before your cursor becomes Profile Menu >>>>>.

:bulb: You can return to Main Menu from Profile Menu by entering command end. You can refer to Section 3.2.6. Returning to Main Menu for more details.

3.1.3. Entering Diet Menu: diet

The program will direct you to the Diet Menu.

Format: diet


  1. Type diet into your console and press Enter to execute it.

  2. If the redirection is successful, you should be able to see the message below:

         Starting Diet Menu...

:bulb: You can verify that you are in Diet Menu if the text before your cursor becomes Diet Menu >>>>>.

:bulb: You can return to Main Menu from Diet Menu by entering command end. You can refer to Section 3.3.8. Returning to Main Menu for more details.

3.1.4. Entering Workout Menu: workout

The program will direct you to the Workout Menu.

Format: workout


  1. Type workout into your console and press Enter to execute it.
  2. If the redirection is successful, you should be able to see the message below:

         Starting Workout Menu...

:bulb: You can verify that you are in Workout Menu if the text before your cursor becomes Workout Menu >>>>>.

:bulb: You can return to Main Menu from Workout Menu by entering command end. You can refer to Section 3.4.8. Returning to Main Menu for more details.

3.1.5. Ending The Schwarzenegger: end

You use this command when you want to terminate The Schwarzenegger.

Format: end


  1. Type end into your console and press Enter to execute it.
  2. If the program exits successfully, you should be able to see the message below:

         Bye, you have exited The Schwarzenegger.

3.2. Profile Menu [Khoa]

Profile Menu manages your profile including your name, physique data and expected daily calories intake.

Click here to learn how to enter Profile Menu.

3.2.1. Viewing Help: help

You can see a complete list of available commands under Profile Menu and how to use them.

Format: help


  1. Type help into your console and press Enter to execute it.
  2. If the execution is successful, you should be able to see the message below:
              DESCRIPTION: Add your new profile
        View     FORMAT:      view
              DESCRIPTION: View your profile
        Edit     FORMAT:      edit </n [NAME]> </h [HEIGHT]> </w [CURRENT_WEIGHT]> </e [EXPECTED_WEIGHT]> </c [DAILY_CALORIE_INTAKE]>
              DESCRIPTION: Edit your existing profile. You may edit from 1 field to all fields
        Delete   FORMAT:      delete
              DESCRIPTION: Delete your existing profile
        End      FORMAT:      end
              DESCRIPTION: Go back to Main Menu

3.2.2. Adding a Profile: add

You can add your profile for the most customized experience in The Schwarzenegger. Your height should in centimeters, your current weight and expected weight should be in kilograms, and your expected daily calorie intake should be in calories.


Example: When you want to add your profile to the application, you follow the steps below:

  1. Ensure that you are in Profile Menu.
    Refer to Section 3.1.2. Entering Profile Menu to learn how to enter Profile Menu. add-profile-step-1

  2. Type add /n Schwarzenegger /h 188 /w 113 /e 100 /c 2500 into your console and press Enter to execute it.
    This command adds a profile with the name Schwarzenegger, height 188 cm, weight 113 kg, expected weight 100 kg and expected daily intake of 2500 calories.


  3. If the execution is successful, you should be able to see the confirmation message below:


:warning: The Schwarzenegger currently does not support names containing “/” character.

3.2.3. Viewing a Profile: view

You can view your profile recorded in the program. The Schwarzenegger will also show the additional information below:

Format: view


  1. Type view into your console and press Enter to execute it.
  2. If the execution is successful, you should be able to see the message below:
     Here's your profile:
            Name: Schwarzenegger
            Height: 188 cm
            Weight: 113.0 kg
            Expected Weight: 100.0 kg
            Expected daily calorie intake: 2500.0 calories
            Your current BMI: 32.0 (Obesity Class 1)
     By the way, take 2500.0 more calories to achieve your target for today!
     TIP: Edit your expected weight to 76.7 kg to have Normal Weight BMI classification.
          Just type "edit /e 76.7"!

:bulb: If you do not see the tip, it means that your current height and weight expectation is classified as Normal Weight already.

3.2.4. Editing a Profile: edit

You can edit the profile after adding to the program.

Format: edit </n [NAME]> </h [HEIGHT]> </w [WEIGHT]> </e [EXPECTED_WEIGHT]> </c [DAILY_CALORIES_INTAKE]>


:bulb: You may edit from 1 field to all fields in your profile.

3.2.5. Deleting a Profile: delete

You can use this command to delete your profile from our system.

This command is dangerous as you will not be able to recover the data. After typing this command, you will be asked to reconfirm it by typing in YES. Any other input will abort the deletion.

Format: delete


  1. Type delete into your console and press Enter to execute it.
  2. Type YES into your console and press Enter to confirm the deletion.
  3. If the execution is successful, you should be able to see the message below:
     Alright, your profile has been cleared!

:warning: Your profile data cannot be recovered once cleared!

3.2.6. Returning to Main Menu: end

You use this command to exit Profile Menu and return to the Main Menu.

Format: end


  1. Type end into your console and press Enter to execute it.
  2. If the execution is successful, you should be able to see the message below:
    Returning to Main Menu...

3.3. Diet Menu [Zeon]

Diet Menu manages your diet sessions which record food items and calories intake.

Click here to learn how to enter Diet Menu.

3.3.1. Viewing Help: help

You can see a complete list of available commands under Diet Menu and how to use them.

Format: help

Example: help

Expected outcome:

	 New      FORMAT:      new </d [DATE]> </t [TAG]>
	          DESCRIPTION: Create a new diet session
	 List     FORMAT:      list
	          DESCRIPTION: Show all past diet sessions
	 Delete   FORMAT:      delete [INDEX]
	          DESCRIPTION: Delete the diet session at the input index
	 Edit     FORMAT:      edit [INDEX]
	          DESCRIPTION: Edit the diet session at the input index
	 Search   FORMAT:      search </s [STARTING_DATE]> </e [END_DATE]> </t [TAG]>
	          DESCRIPTION: Search the diet session in between starting and end dates with a specific tag
	 Clear    FORMAT:      clear
	          DESCRIPTION: Clear all past diet sessions
	 End      FORMAT:      end
	          DESCRIPTION: Go back to Main Menu

3.3.2. Starting a New Diet Session: new

You can create a new diet session with this command. The date and tag can be added on creation with “/d” for date and “/t” for meal type.

You will be directed immediately into the new diet session. You may verify that as seen from how the cursor changes from

Diet Menu >>>>>


Diet Menu > New Diet Session >>>>>.

Format: new </d [DATE]> </t [TAG]>


Example: Whenever you want to create a new Diet Session, you follow the steps below:

  1. Ensure that you are in the Diet Menu.
    Refer to Section 3.1.3. Entering Diet Menu to learn how to enter the Diet Menu.


  2. Type new /d 2020-11-09 /t lunch into your console and press Enter to execute it. This command starts a Diet Session of date 9th September 2020 with tag lunch.


  3. If the execution is successful, you should be able to see the confirmation message below.


  4. You will also be redirected to the Diet Session interface, as seen below.


:warning: You may choose not to add the date or tag, but diet sessions with the same date and tag will be overwritten! Viewing Help in Diet Session: help [Shukai]

You can see a complete list of available commands under Diet Session and how to use them.

Format: help

Example: help

Expected outcome:

	 Add      FORMAT:      add [FOOD_NAME] /c [CALORIES]
	          DESCRIPTION: Add a new food item
	 List     FORMAT:      list
	          DESCRIPTION: Show all food items
	 Delete   FORMAT:      delete [INDEX]
	          DESCRIPTION: Delete the food item at the input index
	 Search   FORMAT:      search [FOOD_NAME]
	          DESCRIPTION: Search the diet session for food with the name specified
	 Clear    FORMAT:      clear
	          DESCRIPTION: Clear all food items
	 End      FORMAT:      end
	          DESCRIPTION: Go back to the Diet Menu.
	 _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Adding Food Items to the Current Diet Session: add

This command adds a food item into the current diet session.

Format: add [FOOD_NAME] /c [CALORIES]

Example: Whenever you want to add new food items in the diet session, you follow the steps below:

  1. Locate yourself in the diet session menu as shown in the screenshot below:


  2. You can add food items by following the format add [FOOD_NAME] /c [CALORIES] after the prompt as shown in the screenshot:


  3. You should be able to see a message showing that you have added the food item like the screenshot below:


Expected outcome:

	 Yay! You have added chicken nuggets with calories: 120.0

:bulb: Your calories per food item is capped at 200,000 Listing Food Items from the Current Diet Session: list

Lists all the added food items for the current diet session, with a numbered sequence according to sequence entered.

Format: list

Example: list

Expected outcome:

	 Index   Food            Calories 
	 1       chicken nuggets 120.0     
	 2       fries           240.0

	 Your total calories for this meal is 360.0.
	 _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Deleting Food Items from the Current Diet Session: delete

You can remove food items from your list according to the index in the current meal session list.

Format: delete [INDEX]

Example: delete 1

Expected outcome:

	 You have deleted chicken nuggets with calories: 120.0 from your list!
	 _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Clearing All Food Items from the Current Diet Session: clear

You can clear all the food items in the current diet session list.

This command is dangerous as you will not be able to recover the data. After typing this command, you will be asked to reconfirm it by typing in YES. Any other input will abort the clearing.

Format: clear

Example: clear

Expected outcome:

     Are you sure you want to clear all records? This action is irrevocable.
     Key in "YES" to confirm.
 Diet Menu > New Diet Session >>>>> YES
     Oops you have cleared all the food items.

:warning: Your food items cannot be recovered once cleared!

You can search for all food items that contain the word entered, in the current diet session.

Format: search [FOOD_NAME]

Example: search rice

Expected outcome:

Diet Menu > Diet Session 1 >>>>> search rice
	 Here are the search results: 
	 Index   Food         Calories 
	 1       chicken rice 332.0     
	 2       fried rice   452.0     
	 You have 2 record(s)
	 _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ending the Current Diet Session: end

You can return to the diet menu by ending your current diet session.

Format: end

Example: end

Expected outcome:

	 Exiting Diet Session!

3.3.3. Listing All Past Diet Sessions: list [Zeon]

You can obtain a list of information about past diet sessions together with their numbered index and calories.

Format: list

Example: list

Expected outcome:

    You have 2 records
    Index   Tags        Date        Calories
    1       dinner      2020-10-29  110.0
    2       lunch       2020-10-29  120.0

3.3.4. Editing a Past Diet Session: edit

You can edit a previous diet session based on a numbered index that can be found in the list command.

Format: edit [INDEX]

Example: edit 2

Expected outcome:

	 Starting Diet Session!

Diet Menu > Diet Session 2 >>>>> 

:bulb: Editing a diet session works exactly like how it does when you create a new diet session.

3.3.5. Deleting a Past Diet Session: delete

You can delete a previously created diet session based on a numbered index that can be found in the list command.

Format: delete [INDEX]

Example: delete 2

Expected outcome:

     You have deleted that diet session!

:warning: Deleted diet sessions cannot be recovered!

3.3.6. Clearing All Past Diet Sessions: clear

You can clear all previously saved diet sessions.

Format: clear

Example: clear

Expected outcome:

	 Are you sure you want to clear all records? This action is irrevocable.
	 Key in "YES" to confirm.

Diet Menu >>>>> YES
	 You have cleared all diet sessions!

:warning: This command is dangerous as you will not be able to recover the data. After typing this command, you will be asked to reconfirm it by typing in YES. Any other input will abort the clearing.

Searches for specified range of diet sessions with identifiers such as start date, end date and tags.

Format: search </s [START DATE]> </e [END DATE]> </t [TAG]>

Example: search /s 2020-05-06 /e 2020-05-10 /t breakfast

Expected outcome:

	 Here are the search results!
	 Index   Date             Tag         Calories  
	 1       2020-05-08       breakfast   112.0
     2       2020-05-09       breakfast   250.0
	 You have 2 record(s)

3.3.8. Returning to Main Menu: end

You can use this command to exit Diet Menu and return to the Main Menu.

Format: end

Example: end

Expected outcome:

	 Returning to Main Menu...

3.4. Workout Menu [Zesong]

This section shows the command you can use when you are in workout menu.

Click here to learn how to enter Workout Menu.

3.4.1. Viewing Help: help

You can see a complete list of available commands under Workout Menu and how to use them.

Format: help

  1. Type help into your console and press Enter to execute it.


  2. You should be able to see a list of available commands like the screenshot below: main-help-2

3.4.2. Starting a New Workout Session: new

You can a new workout session and go into the session. You can add tags with “/t”.

:bulb: Tags are optional and more than one tag can be attached to a session. If you want to add more than one tags, you should separate them by ,.

After Enter, you will be directed into workout session to manage the given session. You may verify that as seen from how the cursor changes from

Workout Menu >>>>>


Workout Menu > New Workout Session >>>>>.

Format: new </t [TAG]...>

Example: new /t legs day, tricep

Expected outcome:

	 You have started a new workout session!

Workout Menu > New Workout Session >>>>> Viewing Help in Workout Session: help [Jinyang]

You can see a complete list of available commands under Workout Session and how to use them.

Format: help

Example: help

Expected outcome:

	          DESCRIPTION: Add a new move
	 List     FORMAT:      list
	          DESCRIPTION: Show all moves in this current session
	 Delete   FORMAT:      delete [INDEX]
	          DESCRIPTION: Delete a move according to the index in the list
	 Search   FORMAT:      search [NAME_OF_MOVE]
	          DESCRIPTION: Show a list of moves that match the entered keyword
	 End      FORMAT:      end
	          DESCRIPTION: Go back to the Workout Menu
	 _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Adding a Move to the Current Workout Session: add

Adds a move with number of moves per set and weights of equipment (if the move does not require weights, input 0 for weight).


Example: When you want to add an exercise to the current Workout Session, you follow the steps below:

  1. Ensure that you are in a Workout Session.
    Refer to Section 3.4.2. Starting a New Workout Session to learn how to start a Workout Session. add-exercise-step-1

  2. Type add benchpress /w 45.5 /n 6 into your console and press Enter to execute it.
    This command adds an exercise with the name benchpress, weight of 45.5 and 6 repetititons.


  3. If the execution is successful, you should be able to see the confirmation message below:

    add-exercise-step-3 Listing All Moves from the Current Workout Session: list

Lists all the added moves for the current workout session, with a numbered sequence according to sequence entered.

Format: list

Example: list

Expected outcome:

     Index   Exercise             Repetitions    Weight
     1       squat                15             40.0
     _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Deleting a Move From the Current Workout Session: delete

Deletes a move according to move index in the current workout session list.

Format: delete [INDEX]

Example: delete 1

Expected outcome:

     You have deleted squat from your list!
     [Repetitions: 15 || Weight: 40.0]

Searches the current workout session for the keyword and shows the relevant data found in a neat list.

Format: search [NAME_OF_MOVE]

Example: search bench

Expected outcome:

     	 Index   Exercise             Repetitions    Weight    
     	 1       bench                324            342.0
     	 2       benchpress           324            342.0
     	 3       bench press          324            342.0
     _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ending the Current Workout Session: end

Ends the current workout session and saves the relevant data.

Format: end

Example: end

Expected outcome:

     Congratulations! You have finished today's workout!

3.4.3. Listing All Past Workout Sessions: list [Zesong]

You can see all your past workout sessions. They will be summarised and printed in a table with their index, creation date and tags.

You can specify start date and end date to show sessions created in a selected period using \s for start date and \e for end date. If start date is not specified, it will take the earliest date a start date. If end date is not specified, it will take today as the end date.

Format: list </s [START_DATE]> </e [END_DATE]>

Example list /e 20201026

Expected outcome:

	 You have 2 records in the given period:
	 Index   Creation date   Tags    
	 1       2020-10-26      [legs day, tricep]
	 2       2020-10-26      [chest]

3.4.4. Editing a Workout Session: edit

You can edit a past workout session in the record list.

Format: edit [INDEX]

You will go into the specific workout session after typing this command. You may verify by seeing the cursor changes from

Workout Menu >>>>>


Workout Menu > Workout Session X >>>>> .

The index can be found by listing all results or searching the target record.

Example: edit 1

Expected outcome:

Workout Menu > Workout Session 1 >>>>> 

3.4.5. Deleting a Workout Session: delete

You can delete a past workout session in the record list.

Format: delete [INDEX]

The index can be found by listing the results.

Example: delete 1

Expected outcome:

    You have deleted that record!

:warning: Your workout session record cannot be recovered once deleted!

You can search for a list of workout sessions that match certain conditions. For example, you can search for sessions created on a specific day or sessions that contain certain tags. All sessions that satisify the condition will be summaried into a table and printed out.

Format: search </d [DATE]> </t [TAG]...>

You can search records containing (a list of) tags with /t followed by the tags. Multiple tags should be separated by ,. If you give multiple tags, only sessions that contains all the tags will be selected. You can search with part of the tag as well. For example searching with
search /t leg
will match any tags that contains leg, e.g. legs.

You can search records created on a specific day with /d followed by a date. You should key in your date following one of the supported formats. See here for a complete list of format supported.

Both date and tag conditions are optional. You may have zero, one or both conditions while searching. If both conditions are given, only sessions that meet both conditions will be selected.

Example: search /t le

Expected outcome:

	 1  records are found:
	 Index   Creation date   Tags    
	 2       2020-10-26      [legs day, tricep]

3.4.7. Clearing All Workout Sessions: clear

You can erase all workout sessions.

Format: clear

Example clear

Expected outcome:

	 Are you sure you want to clear all records? This action is irrevocable.
	 Key in "YES" to confirm.

Workout Menu >>>>> YES
	 You have cleared all records!

Workout Menu >>>>> 

:warning: This command is dangerous as you will not be able to recover the data. After typing this command, you will be asked to reconfirm it by typing in YES. Any other input will abort the clearing.

3.4.8. Returning to Main Menu: end

You can return to the main menu.

Format: end

After typing in this, you will see your prompt in your terminal changes from Workout Menu>>> to Main Menu>>>.

Example end

Expected output

	 Returning to Main menu...

Main Menu >>>>> 

4. Command Summary

Main Menu [Khoa]

Action Format
Help help
Profile Menu profile
Diet Menu diet
Workout Menu workout
End end

Profile Menu [Khoa]

Action Format
Help help

E.g. add /n Schwarzenegger /h 188 /w 113 /e 100 /c 2500
View view

E.g. edit /w 110, edit /h 175 /w 110, edit /h 175 /w 110 /e 90
Delete delete
Return to Main Menu end

Diet Menu [Zeon]

Action Format
Help help
Start diet session new </d [DATE]> </t [TAG]>

E.g. new /d 2020-05-04 /t breakfast
List list
Edit edit [INDEX]

E.g. edit 1
Delete delete [INDEX]

E.g. delete 1
Search search </s [STARTING_DATE]> </e [END_DATE]> </t [TAG]>

E.g. search /t lunch
Clear clear
Return to Main Menu end

Diet Session [Shukai]

Action Format
Help help

E.g. add spinach /c 90
List list
Delete delete [INDEX]

E.g. delete 1
Search search [FOOD_NAME]

E.g. search rice
Clear clear
Return to Diet Menu end

Workout Menu [Zesong]

Action Format
Help help
Start workout session new </t [TAG]...>

E.g. new /t leg, chest
List list </s [START_DATE]> </e [END_DATE]>

E.g. list /s 20201001 /e 2020/10/25
Edit edit <INDEX>

E.g. edit 1
Delete delete [INDEX]

E.g. delete 1
Search search </t [TAG]...> </d [DATE]>

E.g. search /t leg day, chest /d 2020-10-18
Clear clear
Return to Main Menu end

Workout Session [Jinyang]

Action Format
Help help

E.g. add squat /n 15 /w 40
List list
Delete delete [INDEX]

E.g. delete 1
Search search [NAME_OF_MOVE]

E.g. search bench
Return to Workout Menu end

5. Notes [Zesong]

[1] Here shows all 12 valid formats.

`yyyyMMdd HH:mm`
`yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm`
`yyyy MM dd HH:mm`

`yyyyMMdd HHmm`
`yyyy-MM-dd HHmm`
`yyyy MM dd HHmm`

`yyyy MM dd`

`dd MM yyyy`

6. FAQ [Khoa]

Below are the answers to some frequently asked questions about The Schwarzenegger:

Q: Can I use The Schwarzenegger on another operating systems apart from Windows?
A: Yes. The Schwarzenegger is compatible with Windows, MacOS and Linux.

Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?
A: Install The Schwarzenegger in the other computer and overwrite the saves folder it creates with the saves folder of your previous The Schwarzenegger.

Q: Can I exit The Schwarzenegger without typing end command?
A: Yes. Your data is saved automatically to saves folder whenever it changes. Therefore, you can exit The Schwarzenegger worry-free.