Zhang Shukai - Project Portfolio Page
PROJECT: The Schwarzenegger
The Schwarzenegger is a desktop command line interface-based app for managing all your needs regarding fitness. With the built-in personal assistant, you are able to track your daily workout and diet sessions based on your profile. If you can type fast, The Schwarzenegger can help you maximise your efficiency for maintaining fitness.
Summary of Contributions
- Major Enhancement
- Search Food Items
- Functionalities:
- This enhancement allows users to search for food items by typing food names or part of the names in the current meal.
- Justification:
- It improves usability and user experience of the app because as the food item list grows, it might be hard for the user to find a specific food item.
- It provides flexibility to allow user to type part of the food name to find all the related food items containing that part of food name.
- Highlights:
- It supports fuzzy search where the user can input part of the food name instead of the full name, and the food items whose names contain this part of the food name will be shown.
- It allows users to search for similar food items. For example, if the user searches for “rice” by typing
search rice
, everything containing rice such as “chicken rice” and “fried rice” will be shown to the user.
- Functionalities:
- List Food Items
- Functionalities:
- This enhancement allows users to see all the food items in the current diet session with calories of each food items as well as the total calories taken in the current meal.
- Justification:
- It improves usability and user experience of the app because as the user might want to see a complete list of food items he or she has eaten in the current meal.
- Highlights:
- All the food items are listed in a table format for better visualization of the food items.
- It lists all the food items in the chronological order, i.e. food items added earlier will be shown first.
- Functionalities:
- Search Food Items
- Minor Enhancement:
- Implemented
commands forclear
(clearing all food). - Implemented
commands for the user to see an overview of available commands in diet session.
- Implemented
Code Contributed: View on RepoSense
- Contributions to the User Guide:
- Contributions to the Developer Guide:
- Community:
- Reviewed Developer Guide from other teams in the class (with non-trivial review comments.) (DietaryBook: #42.)
- Checked and update Java Doc for team project. #240
- Reported bugs for other teams in the class example: ped.
- Evaluated code, tested and provided feedback to teammates during many online meetups.